Tagged: Rays

The AL East; The Uniform Change Division

Rather then talking more about steroids and A-Roid, how about another AL East subject. How you ever noticed the A.L. East is the only division where 80% of their teams have changes their uinforms since 2000. The Orioles this year the Blue Jays in 2003 and again in 2004, the Red Sox this year and the Rays last season. But guess who hasn’t made a uni change: the Yankees. In fact I don’t think that the Yankees will ever change their uniforms. Also except for the Red Sox all of the teams have changed the unis after a losing season (Not sure about Toronto) And in the Rays case it worked pretty well for them. Ain’t that interesting.  Here are the links for the each teams unis.

Rays Uni Link:  http://sportslogos.net/team.php?id=2535

Orioles U.L.:  http://sportslogos.net/team.php?id=52

Red Sox U.L.:   http://sportslogos.net/team.php?id=53

Blue Jays U.L.:  http://sportslogos.net/team.php?id=78